Photos of the Personal Itinerary Ullrich 2012.

For the second time Prof. Charles Ullrich and Vicky explored Germany off the beaten path: in June 2012 they visited Franconia and Bavaria. Charming places, local heritage, family history, good wine, local brews and interesting German American heritage along the way.

© Research and Travel Dr. Grams

Enjoy Franconian wine
Relax at Würzburg residence park
The Pastorius house at Bad Windsheim
First motor flight Gustav Weisskopf
Gustav Weisskopf monument at Leutershausen
Nazi Party Ralley Grounds
Nazi trials site at Nuremberg
Henry Kissingers birthplace at Fürth under renovation
View at Nuremberg
Bob and Vicky Ullrich at Würzburg
Emerenz Meier home and museum Schiefweg
Brewery designed by Friedensreich Hundertwasser
At Bayreuth
Hotel at Bamberg
View from hotel at Bamberg
Schlenkerle smoked beer at Bamberg
Castle garden at Bamberg
Buttenheim Levy Strauss Museum
Ancestral home Schaupp
Meet Clemens Schreiber at Schlüchtern